Healthcare – The Maze Returns
When we visit a doctor, or other healthcare provider, most of us assume that after we pay our deductible and co-pay, our insurance will pay the rest. Wrong! Not only do we not know what the insurance company will pay our doctors, neither do the providers. Sound crazy….it is. Insurance companies present themselves as guardians of our health care dollars. Wrong again! Their role can better be described as middleman between provider and patient which obscures their part in the high cost of healthcare, as well as in the disparity of access to medical care, which makes it easy to point a finger at doctors and other healthcare providers. Healthcare reimbursement in the United States is mind-numbingly complex. There are private for-profit insurers, private not-for-profit insurers, state and federal fee-for-service payers, and true middlemen called Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) that manage Medicaid reimbursement for some states. MCOs make decisions about how much medical care, if any, a person may receive, how much providers should be reimbursed, and if payment for services should be delayed or denied, without ever seeing a patient. And, since their earnings are based on reducing medical expenditures for their employer (the state) they focus on the bottom line, as do for-profit insurance companies.