Healthcare – The Maze Returns

When we visit a doctor, or other healthcare provider, most of us assume that after we pay our deductible and co-pay, our insurance will pay the rest.  Wrong!  Not only do we not know what the insurance company will pay our doctors, neither do the providers.   Sound crazy….it is.  Insurance companies present themselves as guardians of our health care dollars.  Wrong again! Their role can better be described as middleman between provider and patient which obscures their part in the high cost of healthcare, as well as in the disparity of access to medical care, which makes it easy to point a finger at doctors and other healthcare providers. Healthcare reimbursement in the United States is mind-numbingly complex.  There are private for-profit insurers, private not-for-profit insurers, state and federal fee-for-service payers, and true middlemen called Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) that manage Medicaid reimbursement for some states.  MCOs make decisions about how much medical care, if any, a person may receive, how much providers should be reimbursed, and if payment for services should be delayed or denied, without ever seeing a patient.  And, since their earnings are based on reducing medical expenditures for their employer (the state) they focus on the bottom line, as do for-profit insurance companies. 

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Low commodity prices, crop destroying weather, and Trump’s tariffs and trade war with China (and as of June 16th India, ) are having a devastating effect on our family farmers!  The 2018 Farm Bill, as well as past farm subsidies, are failing independent family farmers.  For decades hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars have been given to factory farms owned by “city slickers” (Scott Fuller, Opinion Contributor to The Hill (11-29-2018), and to foreign owned corporations with multiple operations in more than one country, as well as the U.S.  Things do not look any brighter for the next round of aid expected to begin in July.  It’s time we ask, who is looking out for the family farmer?  The current administration and the GOP don’t seem to be.


Good News

Welcome—Welcome—Welcome to Andy McKean, who has joined the Democratic Party.   Andy is recognized as a moderate who understands the importance of bipartisanship.  In a May 12, 2019 article in “The Atlantic”  he stated that he believes public service is about…”integrity, compassion, moderation, and a spirit of rational inquiry.”  Anyone who, regardless of their political affiliation, has followed  his service in the legislature will know that he not only talks the talk, but walks the walk. …

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Healthcare – The Maze

Kudos to Sens. Liz Mathis of Hiawatha and Amanda Ragan of Mason City for introducing Senate File 156. This bill is meant to mitigate some of the most egregious problems created by the Republican-led privatization of Iowa’s $6 billion Medicaid program. The Senators, like so many Iowans, understand privatization has been a horrendous failure. Iowa’s 600,000 poor and/or disabled citizens can no longer assume they will receive medical care when it is needed. As recently as May 8, 2019 the Des Moines Register published an article by Tony Leys, titled: “Medicaid director meets with Iowans worried about United Healthcare’s exit. ‘You can’t calm our fears,’ one Iowan says.” With the loss of United Health Care of River Valley, House Democrats attached amendments to end Medicaid privatization to every bill eligible for debate on the final Monday and Tuesday of this year’s legislative session. Although it was a given that no amendments passed, nor were bills debated on Tuesday, we need to push for corrective legislation. The Daily Iowan, Emily Wangen, Politics Reporter April 4, 2019

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Imagine this: You’re talking to a friend or family member about politics and the conversation turns ugly. (For most of us this isn’t too hard to imagine.) If you don’t want to walk away or have a verbal brawl, try active listening .

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After the 2019 legislative funnel, Senate File 575 is still alive. In 2017 a sham Voter ID law was introduced to address nonexistent voter fraud. The negative responses from judges didn’t stop them from attempting to disenfranchise voters. This year the GOP again tied to impede voter turnout in 59 pages full of restrictions. The very foundation of our country is based on participatory government with every citizen having a vote.


Governor Reynolds Signs Legislation Politicizing Iowa’s Supreme Court

On the last day of the 2019 legislative session, Gov. Reynold, as part of budget bill, SF638, signed legislation that changes Iowa’s 57-year old judicial nominating system. This system, called the “gold standard for the entire United States,” (Dan Brown, Iowa Academy of Trial Lawyers, in an Article by James Q. Lynch in The Gazette on February 6, 2019), was put into place in a bipartisan manner by a constitutional amendment in 1969.

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